Home > Finding a new normal

Finding a new normal

April 8th, 2019 at 11:08 pm

Baby boy D arrived 3 weeks early on March 26. It's been a process to adjust, but we're so happy that he's with us. Everything went about as smoothly as it could. Due to potential complications, my husband was brought home, and I was induced. 7.5 hours later, our son was here. I'm recovering well, the baby's healthy, and my husband got to spend some time with his son.

I'll hopefully get back to the financial side of things in the coming weeks as things normalize.

10 Responses to “Finding a new normal”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations!! I'm glad all of you are well and that your husband was home for awhile with both of you. Take care and enjoy your baby!

  2. Jenn Says:

    I'm so happy for you! Enjoy the little guy and take pictures. In just a few months you won't believe how small he is now.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Congrats on your new bundle of joy!

  4. mumof2 Says:

    congrats on your newest member of the family glad your hubby was able to be there...what an exciting time for you all

  5. Wink Says:

    Congratulations! Wonderful news...glad all are well!

  6. CB in the City Says:


  7. Andrea Says:

    Congratulations! So happy for you and your husband. Welcome Baby D!

  8. My English Castle Says:

    Congratulations to you all!

  9. Carol Says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy, enjoy!

  10. Dido Says:

    Congratulations! I'm so glad all went well and that your husband was able to be there!

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