Home > Just popping in

Just popping in

August 12th, 2014 at 02:10 pm

It's been awhile. Cheer camp was crazy and then spent a wonderful weekend with SO. I've got lots of debt-related stuff to share (some good, most not so much), but I'll start with pre-camp and camp spending.

Before camp, I got my car serviced. I was expecting it to be around $250, but it came in just about $200. While I should have put the overage right back towards something productive, I ended up treating SO to some yummy (expensive) Mexican. He'd been away at camp and hadn't had a really good meal in days. I very rarely splurge on good meals out these days, so I feel comfortable with the decision. (Bonus - he made me chicken parm the day I got home from my camp...delish!)

I bought $30 worth of snacks/food for the trip. I came home with a good amount left, so I'm set on work snacks for awhile. I bought $100 to camp with me. I did splurge on one meal, but I came home with over $50, so I didn't do too bad considering I had to cover all my breakfasts and lunch the first and last days.

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